
as a part of my practice is very much about giving time and looking to the natural things within my reach that draw my attention, and thinking on where we place value.  a bay leaf, some garlic, or fennel in a particular light, autumn leaves, or hedgerow plants in blossom, noticed on a walk and worked with in natural materials and grounds that are plastic free, built up across time and that give a sense of value to Nature, and a sense of care through what we choose to use

using found chalk on reclaimed roof slates, charcoal from local willow, oak gall or acorn ink from nearby woods, and working on quality papers, recycled Khadi papers, upcycled packaging, or layered chalk gesso grounds

Sweet Chestnuts, 2020
willow charcoal on Fabriano Paper, 52 x 76cm
part of autumn fall series, 2018 - ongoing